Prayers for Life
Visitation, Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1440-1445
Prayer to Saint Joseph for the Overcoming of Abortion and Euthanasia
To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our time of tribulation. We humbly implore your powerful assistance in combatting the destruction and ongoing threat to human life perpetuated by abortion and euthanasia legislation around the world.
Through that love which bound you to the Immaculate Mother of God and with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you to have kind regard for our vulnerable brothers and sisters, from the earliest to the oldest age, whose very existence this legislation destroys and threatens. Come to their aid O Hope of the Sick and Patron of the Dying, that they may be comforted and protected by Jesus Christ your Son whose Precious Blood was shed that they may have life and have it in abundance.
O Guardian of the Holy Family, defend us in this time of difficulty. Most loving father, guard us from every contagion of error. Mighty protector, intercede for us that this death dealing legislation may be overturned and defeated. Amen.
Prayers to Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, pray for us.
Sancte Ioseph, Almae Familiae praeses, ora pro nobis.
Saint Joseph, Glory of home life, pray for us.
Sancte Ioseph, Domesticae vitae decus, ora pro nobis.
Saint Joseph, Pillar of families, pray for us.
Sancte Ioseph, Familiarum columen, ora pro nobis.
Saint Joseph, Hope of the sick, pray for us.
Sancte Ioseph, Spes aegrotantium, ora pro nobis.
Saint Joseph, Patron of the dying, pray for us.
Sancte Ioseph, Patrone morientium, ora pro nobis.
Redeemer in the Womb
Jesus Christ, You took our human nature upon Yourself. You shared our life and
death, our childhood and adulthood.
You also shared our time in the womb. While still God, while worshipped and adored by the angels, while Almighty and filling every part of the universe, You dwelt for nine months in the womb of Mary. You were our Redeemer in the womb, our God who has a preborn child.
Lord Jesus, we ask You to bless and protect the children who today are in their mothers’ womb. Save them from the danger of abortion. Give their mothers the grace to sacrifice themselves, in body and soul, for their children. Help all people to recognize in the preborn child a brother, a sister, saved by You, our Redeemer in the womb.
Nativity of Jesus, Gerard van Honthorst, 1620
Please consider Spiritually Adopting an unborn child - Spiritual Adoption Prayer here.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit for Life
Holy Spirit, At the dawn of creation, You brought order out of chaos, Light out of darkness, Life out of nothingness.Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn
Virgin of Guadalupe, Patroness of unborn children, we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion.
Help expectant parents to welcome from God the priceless gift of their child’s life.
Console parents who have lost that gift through abortion, and lead them to forgiveness and healing through the Divine Mercy of your Son.
Teach us to cherish and to care for family and friends until God calls them home.
Help us never to see others as burdens.
Guide our public officials to defend each and every human life through just laws.
Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life, to speak for those who have no voice.
We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.
This prayer from South Africa Needs Our Lady.
Madonna del Parto (Madonna of Childbirth), Taddeo Gaddi, 14th Century
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn
Holy Mother of God and of the Church, our Lady of Guadalupe, you were chosen by the Father for the Son through the Holy Spirit.
You are the Woman clothed with the sun who labors to give birth to Christ while Satan, the Red Dragon, waits to voraciously devour your child.
So too did Herod seek to destroy your Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and massacred many innocent children in the process.
So today does abortion killing many innocent unborn children and exploiting many mothers in its attack upon human life and upon the Church, the Body of Christ.
Mother of the Innocents, we praise God in you for His gifts to you of your Immaculate Conception, your freedom from actual sin; your fullness of grace, your Motherhood of God and the Church, your Perpetual Virginity and your Assumption in body and soul into heaven.
O Help of Christians, we beg you to protect all mothers of the unborn and the children within their wombs. We plead with you for your help to end the holocaust of abortion. Melt hearts so that life may be revered!
Holy Mother, we pray to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart for all mothers and all unborn children that they may have life here on earth and by the most Precious Blood shed by your Son that they may have eternal life with Him in heaven. We also pray to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart for all abortionists and all abortion supporters that they may be converted and accept your Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Defend all of your children in the battle against Satan and all of the evil spirits in this present darkness.
We desire that the innocent unborn children who die without Baptism should be baptized and saved. We ask that you obtain this grace for them and repentance, reconciliation and pardon from God for their parents and their killers.
Let there be revealed, once more, in the history of the world the infinite power of merciful love. May it put an end to evil. May it transform consciences. May your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of hope. May Christ the King reign over us, our families, cities, states, nations and the whole of humanity.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary, hear our pleas and accept this cry from our hearts!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn, Pray for us!
The Virgin Weaving, Master of Erfurt, c. 1400
By Father Joseph M. Esper, 2001. In the two decades since 2001 the holocaust of abortion has become worse with the murder of babies right up to the time of birth, during birth and even after birth in failed abortions. In addition euthanasia is being introduced in more and more nations, with ever increasing categories of victims including young people and the disabled. The right of good doctors and nurses to conscientious objection is being increasingly attacked. This version of the litany includes some additions and modifications*, and has been adapted for use beyond America.
Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. R. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.
God the Father in heaven. R. Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world. R. Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit. R. Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God. R. Have mercy on us.
On behalf of unborn children everywhere. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of abused or neglected infants and children. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of children who’ve been made to feel unloved or unwanted. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of children who are trapped in poverty. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of children whose lives are scarred by violence. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of children who suffer from poor health or disease. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of children who lack adequate food, shelter, clothing, or education. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of mothers and fathers who are struggling to care for their children. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of parents who have no one to help them. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of parents who have lost a child to violence. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of parents who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of parents who grieve over their children’s sufferings. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of unwed mothers trying to do the right thing. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of women who feel pressured into having an abortion. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of fathers who are given no say in whether their unborn children live or die. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of women who now regret having had an abortion. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of men who now regret having arranged an abortion for their wives, girlfriends, or daughters. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
*On behalf of medical personnel who now regret their involvement in any form of abortion or euthanasia. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of all survivors of abortion. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
*On behalf of the elderly, sick, and those in pain and despair. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
*On behalf of men and women who now regret their involvement in euthanasia. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
*On behalf of politicians who have opposed abortion and euthanasia at the risk of their own political careers. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of those leaders in our society who are trying to respect the gift of life. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
*On behalf of our political leaders, that they may lead our nation with wisdom and integrity. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of the unsung heroes of the pro-life movement. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of our pro-life comrades who’ve gone before us into the new life of Your Kingdom. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
On behalf of all our countrymen and countrywomen who seek to cherish and defend Your gift of life. R. We turn to You, O Lord.
For the times we’ve not appreciated Your gift of life. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For our failures to respect and acknowledge the dignity of others. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For the ways we’ve not done our part to defend human life. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For the times we’ve been lazy or complacent in opposing euthanasia and abortion. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For failing to take seriously our responsibilities as citizens. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For the ways we’ve relied only on ourselves, and not on Your grace. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For the times we’ve been silent instead of speaking out in defense of life. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For failing to love our political opponents as much as we should. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
For the ways we’ve not shown enough compassion for all the victims of abortion and euthanasia. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
On behalf of our society and its efforts to devalue human life and dignity. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
On behalf of our nation and its failures to extend legal protection to the unborn. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
*On behalf of our nation and its failures to extend legal protection to the disabled, sick and elderly. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
On behalf of our world and the constant violence it allows against innocent men,
women, and children. R. Forgive us, O Lord.
Pro-Life Litany continued
From population planners who seek to control others in their greed or lust for power. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
*From politicians who claim to be personally opposed to abortion and euthanasia but who do nothing to restrict it. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From those who argue for choice but refuse to give all children the choice of whether or not to be born. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From those who claim to favor equal rights but who would deny these rights to the unborn. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
*From those who attack the rights of conscientious objection of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel to remain true to their consciences by serving human life rather than assaulting it. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From those who justify the use of violence on behalf of their cause. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From religious leaders who excuse or defend attacks upon Your gift of life. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
*From religious leaders who fail to condemn and chastise politicians, especially those politicians who claim to be Christian, who promote or acquiesce in abortion and euthanasia. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From slanted media coverage that goes to any length to hide or distort the truth. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From legislators and judges who place their rulings and opinions above Your eternal Law. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From pressure to be politically correct even if it means denying Your truth. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From a spirit of indifference and apathy that afflicts so many of our fellow citizens. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From a blasphemous misuse of religion which tries to justify killing the innocent in Your Name. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From an unwillingness on the part of so many Christians to be active in defending all human life. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
From a spirit of despair which might make us forget that Your Kingdom will come. R. Deliver us, O Lord.
*For the millions of people who are willing to march, demonstrate, and pray on behalf of the unborn. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For our brothers and sisters willing to gather peacefully and pray and give witness outside abortion clinics. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For dedicated volunteers serving in right-to-life offices and crisis pregnancy centers, and on community agencies, church committees, and national organizations. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who remain true to their consciences by serving human life rather than assaulting it. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For elected leaders, politicians, judges, and other officials who have the courage and integrity to act upon their pro-life beliefs. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For media consultants, authors, lawyers, business people, and other professionals who donate their time and expertise to the pro-life cause. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For religious leaders willing to speak out and provide moral guidance to their people. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For reporters and members of the media who try to report the news honestly and fairly. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For all who support the right-to-life movement with their money, time, or prayers. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For those citizens of our country who are willing to hear the truth and act upon it. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For mothers and fathers who cherish the gift of their children. R. We praise You, O Lord.
*For families who cherish the gift of their elderly, sick and disabled relatives. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For pediatricians, principals, teachers, school bus drivers, photographers, day care personnel, religious education catechists and Sunday school teachers, youth ministers, guidance counselors, social workers, and all who work with the young. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For families who love, nourish, and respect one another. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For the gifts of wonder, innocence, and love each new child brings into the world. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For the gifts of wisdom, experience, and perspective each older person offers to our society. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For the talents, abilities, and potential present in each person on earth. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For making each one of us in Your own image and likeness. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For giving us the opportunity and duty to shape and influence the world around us. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For every sunrise and every sunset, for every new day and every peaceful night, for the beauty of nature and the joy of life. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For the seasons of nature and the seasons of life, for the present moment and for the passing of years. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For our faith in You and our unity with one another. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For allowing us to unite and pray together in Your Name. R. We praise You, O Lord.
For calling us to work together in the grace and power of Your Spirit. R. We praise You, O Lord.
And for offering us the gift of eternal life in Your Kingdom. R. We praise You, O Lord.
Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Show our nation the way to peace — a peace which can only come by proclaiming Your truth and by cherishing Your gift of life. May Your Kingdom come, and may Your Name be praised forever and ever. Amen.
Mother and New Born Baby, Photograph by Anne Lucy Barbosa, Brazil, 2021
Holy Scripture
Genesis 1.27
And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.
creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam : ad imaginem Dei creavit illum, masculum
et feminam creavit eos.
Jeremias (Jeremiah) 1.4-5
the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee a prophet unto the nations.
factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
te formarem in utero, novi te : et antequam exires de vulva, sanctificavi te,
et prophetam in gentibus dedi te.
Psalm 126.3
the inheritance of the Lord are children: the reward, the fruit of the womb.
haereditas Domini, filii; merces, fructus ventris.
Isaias (Isaiah) 49.5
now saith the Lord, that formed me from the womb to be his servant, that I may
bring back Jacob unto him, and Israel will not be gathered together: and I am
glorified in the eyes of the Lord, and my God is made my strength.
nunc dicit Dominus, formans me ex utero servum sibi, ut reducam Jacob ad eum,
et Israel non congregabitur; et glorificatus sum in oculis Domini, et Deus meus
factus est fortitudo mea.
Exodus 20.13
shalt not kill.
Non occides.
Job 33.4
spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life.
Spiritus Dei fecit me, et spiraculum Omnipotentis vivificavit me.
Deuteronomy 30.19
I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Testes invoco hodie caelum et terram, quod proposuerim vobis vitam et mortem, benedictionem et maledictionem. Elige ergo vitam, ut et tu vivas, et semen tuum:
shalt not give any of thy seed to be consecrated to the idol Moloch, nor defile
the name of thy God: I am the Lord.
semine tuo non dabis ut consecretur idolo Moloch, nec pollues nomen Dei tui.
Ego Dominus.
Deuteronomy 19.10
innocent blood may not be shed in the midst of the land which the Lord thy God
will give thee to possess, lest thou be guilty of blood.
non effundatur sanguis innoxius in medio terrae, quam Dominus Deus tuus dabit
tibi possidendam, ne sis sanguinis reus.
Deuteronomy 27.25
be he that taketh gifts, to slay an innocent person: and all the people shall
say: Amen.
qui accipit munera, ut percutiat animam sanguinis innocentis : et dicet omnis
populus : Amen.
Genesis 4.8-10
And Cain said to Abel his brother: Let us go forth abroad. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him.
And the Lord said to Cain: Where is thy brother Abel? And he answered, I know not: am I my brother's keeper?
And he said to him: What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the earth.
therefore, cursed shalt thou be upon the earth, which hath opened her mouth and
received the blood of thy brother at thy hand.
Dixitque Cain ad Abel fratrem suum : Egrediamur foras. Cumque essent in agro, consurrexit Cain adversus fratrem suum Abel, et interfecit eum.
Et ait Dominus ad Cain : Ubi est Abel frater tuus? Qui respondit : Nescio : num custos fratris mei sum ego?
Dixitque ad eum : Quid fecisti? vox sanguinis fratris tui clamat ad me de terra.
igitur maledictus eris super terram, quae aperuit os suum, et suscepit
sanguinem fratris tui de manu tua.
Luke 1.30-31
And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.
thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt
call his name Jesus.
Et ait angelus ei : Ne timeas, Maria : invenisti enim gratiam apud Deum.
concipies in utero, et paries filium, et vocabis nomen ejus Jesum:
Matthew 1.20
while he thought on these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him
in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy
wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost.
autem eo cogitante, ecce angelus Domini apparuit in somnis ei, dicens : Joseph,
fili David, noli timere accipere Mariam conjugem tuam : quod enim in ea natum
est, de Spiritu Sancto est.
Luke 1.39-44
And Mary rising up in those days, went into the hill country with haste into a city of Juda.
And she entered into the house of Zachary, and saluted Elizabeth.
it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant
leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:
she cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed art thou among women, and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in
my womb leaped for joy.
Exsurgens autem Maria in diebus illis, abiit in montana cum festinatione, in civitatem Juda:
intravit in domum Zachariae, et salutavit Elisabeth.
factum est, ut audivit salutationem Mariae Elisabeth, exsultavit infans in
utero ejus : et repleta est Spiritu Sancto Elisabeth:
et exclamavit voce magna, et dixit : Benedicta tu inter mulieres, et benedictus fructus ventris tui.
Et unde hoc mihi, ut veniat mater Domini mei ad me?
enim ut facta est vox salutationis tuae in auribus meis, exsultavit in gaudio
infans in utero meo.
John 10.10-11
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.
am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.
Fur non venit nisi ut furetur, et mactet, et perdat. Ego veni ut vitam habeant, et abundantius habeant.
sum pastor bonus. Bonus pastor animam suam dat pro ovibus suis.
The Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation) 22.14-15
Blessed are they that wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb: that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city.
are dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and
every one that loveth and maketh a lie.
Beati, qui lavant stolas suas in sanguine Agni : ut sit potestas eorum in ligno vitae, et per portas intrent in civitatem.
canes, et venefici, et impudici, et homicidae, et idolis servientes, et omnis
qui amat et facit mendacium.
1 John 3.10-14
In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. Whosoever is not just, is not of God, nor he that loveth not his brother.
For this is the declaration, which you have heard from the beginning, that you should love one another.
as Cain, who was of the wicked one, and killed his brother. And wherefore did
he kill him? Because his own works were wicked: and his brother's just.
not, brethren, if the world hate you.
know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He
that loveth not, abideth in death.
In hoc manifesti sunt filii Dei, et filii diaboli. Omnis qui non est justus, non est ex Deo, et qui non diligit fratrem suum:
quoniam haec est annuntiatio, quam audistis ab initio, ut diligatis alterutrum.
sicut Cain, qui ex maligno erat, et occidit fratrem suum. Et propter quid
occidit eum? Quoniam opera ejus maligna erant : fratris autem ejus, justa.
mirari, fratres, si odit vos mundus.
Nos scimus quoniam translati sumus de morte ad vitam, quoniam diligimus fratres. Qui non diligit, manet in morte:
feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a
war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the
mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how
can we tell other people not to kill one another? ... By abortion, the mother
does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems.
And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any
responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father
is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to
more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to
love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest
destroyer of love and peace is abortion."
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) 1910-1997
A Prayer for Life
By Saint John Paul II (1920-2005), from the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) 25 March 1995.
O Mary,
bright dawn of the new world,
Mother of the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life
Look down, O Mother,
upon the vast numbers
of babies not allowed to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women
who are victims of brutal violence,
of the elderly and the sick killed
by indifference or out of misguided mercy.
Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love
to the people of our time.
Obtain for them the grace
to accept that Gospel
as a gift ever new,
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude
throughout their lives
and the courage to bear witness to it
resolutely, in order to build,
together with all people of good will,
the civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God,
the Creator and lover of life.
Children in the Womb
O God our Creator, all life is in Your hands
O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands from conception until death. Help us to cherish our children and to reverence the awesome privilege of our share in creation. May all people live and die in dignity and love. Bless all those who defend the rights of the unborn, the handicapped and the aged. Enlighten and be merciful toward those who fail to love, and give them peace. Let freedom be tempered by responsibility, integrity and morality.
Elderly and Handicapped People
Prayer for the Helpless Unborn
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.
Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image - as well as theirs - made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
The Expectant Madonna with Saint Joseph, French, c. 1425-1450
This Webpage first posted on
The Feast Day of Saint Joseph, 19 March 2022.
Immaculate Queen of Peace, pray for us.