The Hail Mary 

In 50 Languages

Bust of the Virgin, Bohemian, c. 1390-1395

Bust of the Virgin Mary, Bohemian, c. 1390-1395

The Hail Mary is one of the principle prayers of the Catholic Church, and prayed by Christians throughout the world.  It consists of three parts. The first two parts are from the Gospel of Saint Luke. The first part is the Angel Gabriel's greeting to the Blessed Virgin Mary during the Annunciation: '... Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women' [Luke 1.28]. The second part is Elizabeth's greeting to the Blessed Virgin: '... Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb' [Luke 1.42]. The third part is a prayer of petition that came into general use with the first parts during the 14th and 15th centuries. 

This prayer came literally from heaven, as it was first pronounced for human ears by the Archangel Gabriel. Along with the Lord’s Prayer, with which it is often prayed, it comes not as a mere human composition but as a prayer composed by God for our help and instruction. 

It is the oldest Christian prayer because it was spoken at the moment when Christ, the Son of God, was conceived in the Virgin's womb, at the very beginning of Christianity when the divine Son of God became the human Son of his mother, Mary. It is the most repeated prayer because it perfectly fulfills the first Christian prophecy, spoken by the same Holy Mother when she said, '...for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed' [Luke 1.48]. The Hail Mary is prayed 53 times in each Rosary, and forms the basis of the Angelus and numerous chaplets.

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Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen


Ave Maria

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

Three Hail Marys in Latin Prayed by Pope Saint John Paul II (1920-2005)

Madonna of the Rose Bower, Martin Schongauer, 1473

Madonna of the Rose Bower, Martin Schongauer, 1473

The Young Virgin, Francisco de Zurbaran, c. 1632-1633

The Young Virgin, Francisco de Zurbaran, c. 1632-1633


Ave Maria

Ave Maria, piena di grazia, il  Signore è con te. Tu sei benedetta fra le donne, e benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno, Gesú. Santa Maria, Madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, adesso e nell’ora della nostra morte. Amen.


El Avemaria 

Dios te salve María, llena eres de Gracia, el Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén.


Je vous salue Marie 

Je vous salue, Marie, pleine de grâce; le Seigneur est avec vous. Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pauvres pécheurs, maintenant et à l’heure de notre mort. Amen.


Avé Maria 

Avé Maria, cheia de graça, o Senhor é convosco. Bendita sois vós entre as mulheres, e bendito é o fruto do vosso ventre, Jesus. Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus, rogai por nós pecadores, agora e na hora da nossa morte. Amem.

Virgin Annunciate, Antonello da Messina, early 1470s

Virgin Annunciate, Antonello da Messina, early 1470s

Holy Family, Niclaus Weckmann, c. 1500

Holy Family, Niclaus Weckmann, c. 1500


El Avemaria 

Déu vos salve, Maria, plena sou de gracia, el Senyor és amb Vós, beneita sou Vós entre totes les dones i beneit és el fruit del vostre sant ventre, Jesús. Santa Maria, Mare de Déu, pregueu per nosaltres, pecadors, ara i en l'hora de la nostra mort. Amén.


El Avemaria  

Agur Maria, graziaz betea, Jauna da Zurekin. Bedeinkatua zara zu andre guztien artean eta bedeinkatua da zure sabeleko frutu Jesus. Santa Maria, Jainkoaren Ama, erregutu ezazu gu bekatarion alde, orain eta gure heriotzako orduan. Amen.


Zdravas' Mária 

Zdravas' Mária, milosti plná, Pán s tebou, požehnaná si medzi ženami a požehnaný je plod života tvojho, Ježiš. Svätá Mária, Matka Božia, pros za nás hriešnych teraz i v hodinu smrti našej. Amen.


Zdravo Marijo

Zdravo Marijo, milosti puna, Gospodin s tobom! blagoslovljena ti među ženama, i blagoslovljen plod utrobe tvoje Isus. Sveta Marijo, Majko Božja, moli za nas grešnike sada i na čas smrti naše. Amen.

Annunciation, Martin Schongauer, 1472

Annunciation, Martin Schongauer, 1472

Madonna and Child in a Window, Martin Schongauer, c. 1485-1490

Madonna and Child in a Window, Martin Schongauer, c. 1485-1490


Zdrowaś Maryjo

Zdrowaś Maryjo, łaski pełna, Pan z Tobą. Błogosławionaś Ty między niewiastami, i błogosławiony owoc żywota Twojego, Jezus. Święta Maryjo, Matko Boża, módl się za nami grzesznymi teraz i w godzinę śmierci naszej. Amen. 


Gegrüßet seist du, Maria

Gegrüßet seist du, Maria, voll der Gnade, der Herr ist mit dir. Du bist gebenedeit unter den Frauen, und gebenedeit ist die Frucht deines Leibes, Jesu. Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes, bitte für uns Sünder jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen.


Wees gegroet, Maria 

Wees gegroet, Maria, vol van genade. De Heer is met u.
Gij zijt de gezegende onder de vrouwen, en gezegend is Jezus, de vrucht van uw schoot. Heilige Maria, Moeder van God, bid voor ons zondaars, nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen.


Sliem għalik Marija

Sliem għalik Marija, bil-grazzja mimlija. Il-Mulej miegħek,
imbierka inti fost in-nisa
u mbierek il-frott tal- ġuf tiegħek, Ġesù Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla, Itlob għalina midinbin, issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. Amen.

Virgin and Child, attributed to Claus de Werve, c. 1415-1417

Virgin and Child, attributed to Claus de Werve, c. 1415-1417

Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, Albrecht Durer, c. 1519

Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, Albrecht Durer, c. 1519


Üdvözlégy Mária

Üdvözlégy Mária, kegyelemmel teljes, az Úr van teveled, áldott vagy te az asszonyok között, és áldott a te méhednek gyümölcse, Jézus. Asszonyunk, Szűz Mária, Istennek szent Anyja, imádkozzál érettünk, bűnösökért, most és halálunk óráján. Ámen.


Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire

Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire, atá lán de ghrásta, tá an Tiarna leat. Is beannaithe thú idir mná agus is beannaithe toradh do bhroinne, Íosa. A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé, guigh orainne peacaigh, Anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. Amen.

Scottish Gaelic

Fàilte dhut, a Mhoire 

Fàilte dhut, a Mhoire, tha thu làn de na gràsan tha an Tighearna maille riut is beannaichte thu am measg nam mnà, agus is beannaichte toradh do bhronn, Ìosa. A Naomh Mhoire, a Mhàthair Dhè, guidh' air ar sonne na peacaich a nis agus aig uair ar bàis. Amen.


Henffych well, Mair 

Henffych well, Mair, llawn o ras, yr Arglwydd sydd gyd â thi, bendigedig wyt ti ym mhlith merched, a bendigedig yw Ffrwyth dy groth di Iesu. Sanctaidd Fair, Mam Duw, gweddïa drosom ni pechaduriaid yr awr hon, ac yn awr ein hangau. Amen.

The Virgin Enthroned with the Infant Christ Attended by Angels, The Book of Kells, Ireland, c. 800

The Virgin Enthroned with the Infant Christ Attended by Angels, The Book of Kells, Ireland, c. 800

Mary, Italian, Neapolitan Creche, Second Half of 18th - Mid 19th Century

Mary, Italian, Neapolitan Creche, Second Half of 18th - Mid 19th Century


Hil Maria 

Hil Maria, fuld af nåde, Herren er med dig. Salig er du blandt kvinder, og velsignet er frugten af dit skød, Jesus. Hellige Maria, Guds Moder, bed for os syndere nu og i vores dødstime. Amen.


Ave Maria 

Var hälsad Maria, full av nåd, Herren är med dig. Välsignad är du bland kvinnor och välsignad är din livsfrukt, Jesus. Heliga Maria, Guds moder, be för oss syndare nu och i vår dödsstund. Amen.


Χαίρε Μαρία

Χαίρε Μαρία, κεχαριτωμένη, ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου. Ευλογημένη εσύ μεταξύ των γυναικών και ευλογημένος ο καρπός της κοιλίας σου, ο Ιησούς. Αγία Μαρία, Μητέρα του Θεού, προσευχήσου για εμάς τους αμαρτωλούς τώρα και στην ώρα του θανάτου μας. Αμήν.


Аве Мария

Радуйся, Мария, Благодатная, Господь с Тобою. Благословенна ты среди женщин и благословен плод чрева твоего, Иисус. Святая Мария, Матерь Божья, молись за нас, грешных, ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь.

Theotokos, Ann Marie Campbell, 2010

Theotokos, Ann Marie Campbell, 2010

The Marriage Feast at Cana, Juan de Flandes, c. 1497

The Marriage Feast at Cana, Juan de Flandes, c. 1497


Здраво Маријо 

Здраво Маријо, милости пуна, Господин с Тобом. Благословљена Ти међу женама и благословљен плод утробе Твоје, Исус. Света Маријо, Мајко Божја, моли за нас грешнике, сада и на часу смрти наше. Амин.


Zdrávas Maria

Zdrávas Maria, milosti plná, Pán s tebou. Požehnaná ty mezi ženami a požehnaný plod tvého života, Ježíš. Svatá Maria, Matko Boží, pros za nás hříšné nyní i v hodinu naší smrti. Amen.

Traditional Chinese 




アベ マリア 


The Virgin and the Child, Chen Yuandu (Luke Chen) (1902-1967)

The Virgin and the Child, Chen Yuandu (Luke Chen) (1902-1967)

Enthroned Virgin and Child, French, c. 1260-1280

Enthroned Virgin and Child, French, c. 1260-1280



은총이 가득하신 마리아님, 기뻐하소서. 주님께서 함께 계시니 여인 중에 복되시며 태중의 아들 예수님 또한 복되시나이다. 천주의 성모 마리아님, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에 저희 죄인을 위하여 빌어 주소서. 아멘


Kinh Kính Mừng

Kính mừng Maria đầy ơn phước, Ðức Chúa Trời ở cùng Bà, Bà có phúc lạ, hơn mọi người Nữ, và Giêsu con lòng Bà gồm phúc lạ. Thánh Maria Ðức Mẹ Chúa Trời cầu cho chúng con là kẻ có tội, khi này và trong giờ lâm tử. Amen.


Aba Ginoong Maria

Aba Ginoong Maria, napupuno ka ng grasya, Ang Panginoong Diyos ay sumasaiyo. Bukod kang pinagpala sa babaeng lahat
At pinagpala naman ang 'yong anak na si Hesus. Santa Maria, Ina ng Diyos Ipanalangin mo kaming makasalanan Ngayon at kung kami'y mamamatay.


ברד מרי

שִׂמְחִי מִרְיָם, מְלֵאַת הַחֶסֶד, ה' עִמָּךְ, בְּרוּכָה אַתְּ בַּנָשִׁים וּבָרוּךְ פְּרִי בִּטְנֵךְ, יֵשׁוּעַ. מִרְיָם הַקְּדוֹשָׁה, אֵם הָאֱלהִים, הִתְפַּלְלִי בַּעֲדֵנוּ, הַחוֹטְאִים, עַתָּה וּבִשְׁעַת מוֹתֵנוּ. אָמֵן

Rucellai Madonna, Duccio di Buoninsegna, c. 1285

Rucellai Madonna, Duccio di Buoninsegna, c. 1285

The Virgin Mary and Christ Child, Mosaic, Church of St. Saviour in Chora, Istanbul, 14th Century

The Virgin Mary and Christ Child, Mosaic, Church of St. Saviour in Chora, Istanbul, 14th Century

Syriac Aramaic

Chaldean Neo-Aramaic

ܫܠܐܡܐ ܐܠܞ ܡܪܝܡ ܡܠܐܝܞ ܢܥܡ. ܡܐܪܢ ܡܢܞ ܡܒܘܪܐܞ ܬܝܬ ܒܢܫܡ ܒܘܪܞܝܠܝ ܖܐܡܪ. ܕܟܐܣܞ ܐܝܫܘܥ ܣܬܬܐܢ ܡܪܝܡ ܐܡܕ ܕܐܠܐܗܐ ܨܐܠܝ ܡܒܐܕܠܢ ܐܞܢܝ ܞܐܛܝܝ ܕܐܗܐ ܒܑܖܐ ܕܡܘܖܢ ܐܡܝܢ


السلام عليك يا مريم 

السلام عليك يا مريم، الممتلئة نعمة، الرب معك. طوبى لك بين النساء وطوبى لثمرة بطنك  يسوع. القديسة مريم، والدة الله، صلي من أجلنا نحن المذنبين الآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين.


درود بر مریم پر فیض، خداوند با توست.  خوشا به حال تو در میان زنان و مبارک است میوه رحم تو عیسی.  مریم مقدس، مادر خدا، اکنون و در ساعت مرگمان برای ما گناهکاران دعا کن.  آمین.

Virgin and Child under an Apple Tree, Lucas Cranach, c. 1525-1530

Virgin and Child under an Apple Tree, Lucas Cranach, c. 1525-1530

Romanian Icon on Glass, Klara Pădurean

Romanian Icon on Glass, Klara Pădurean


Ave Maria

Bucură-te Maria, cea plină de har, Domnul este cu tine. Binecuvântată ești tu între femei și binecuvântat este rodul pântecelui tău, Isuse. Sfântă Marie, Maica lui Dumnezeu, roagă-te pentru noi, păcătoșii acum și în ceasul morții noastre. Amin.


Аве Марія

Радуйся, Маріє, благодаті повна, Господь з Тобою. Благословенна Ти серед жінок і благословенний плід утроби Твоєї, Ісус. Свята Маріє, Мати Божа, молися за нас, грішних, нині і в годину нашої смерті. Амінь.


Selam lütuf dolu Meryem 

Selam lütuf dolu Meryem
Tanrı Seninledir
Kutsalsın tüm kadınlar arasında
Ve kutsaldır karnındaki meyva
İsa. Aziz Meryem, Tanrı annesi
Dua et biz günahkarlar için
Şimdi ve ölüm saatimizde.


วันทามารีย์ เปี่ยมด้วยพระหรรษทาน พระเจ้าสถิตกับท่าน ผู้ได้รับพระพรกว่าสตรีใดๆ และพระเยซูโอรสของท่าน ทรงได้รับพระพรยิ่งนัก สันตะมารีย์ พระมารดาพระเจ้า โปรดภาวนาเพื่อลูกทั้งหลายผู้เป็นคนบาป บัดนี้และเมื่อจะตาย อาแมน

The Miracle of the Palm Tree on the Flight to Egypt, Spanish, c. 1490-1510

The Miracle of the Palm Tree on the Flight to Egypt, Spanish, c. 1490-1510

Our Lady of Bethlehem, Peru, Anonymous, 18th Century

Our Lady of Bethlehem, Peru, Anonymous, 18th Century


प्रणाम मरिया 

प्रणाम मरिया कृपा पूर्ण, प्रभु तेरे साथ है।  

धन्य है तू स्त्रियों में,

और धन्य है तेरे गर्भ का फल येसु।

हे संत मरिया, परमेश्वर की माँ,

प्रार्थना कर हम पापियों के लिए,

अब और हमारे मरने के समय,



Salam Maria 

Salam Maria, penuh rahmat, Tuhan sertamu. Terpujilah engkau di antara wanita dan terpujilah buah tubuhmu, Yesus. Santa Maria, Bunda Allah, doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini sekarang dan waktu kami mati. Amin.


அருள் மிகப் பெற்ற மரியே வாழ்க! ஆண்டவர் உம்முடனே, பெண்களுக்குள் ஆசி பெற்றவர் நீரே, உம்முடைய திருவயிற்றின் கனியாகிய இயேசுவும் ஆசி பெற்றவரே. தூய மரியே, இறைவனின் தாயே, பாவிகளாய் இருக்கிற எங்களுக்காக இப்பொழுதும் எங்கள் இறப்பின் வேளையிலும் வேண்டிக்கொள்ளும். ஆமென்


प्रणाम मरिया कृपापूर्ण, प्रभु तपाईमंग छन्, धन्य तपाई नारीहरुमा अनि धन्य तपाईको गर्भको फल, ईशु। हे सन्त मरिया परमेश्वरकी माता, बिन्ती गर्नुहोस् हामी पापीहरुको लागि अहिले अनि हाम्रो मर्ने बेलामा। आमेन

Nativity, Martin Schongauer, 1470

Nativity, Martin Schongauer, 1470

Icon of the Enthroned Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Egypt, 6th Century

Icon of the Enthroned Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Egypt, 6th Century


Salamu Maria 

Salamu Maria, umejaa neema Bwana yu nawe. Umebarikiwa kuliko wanawake wote, na Yesu, mzao wa tumbo lako amebarikiwa. Maria mtakatifo, Mama wa Mungu, utuombe sisi wakosefu, sasa na saa ya kufa kwetu. Amina.


Ekele Marịa

Ekele Marịa, Ị jupụtara na gratia, Oseburụwa nọnyere gị. Ị dị ngọzị n'etiti ikporo nile, Ọ dịazị ngọzị bụ nwafọ gị bụ Jesu. Marịa dị asọ, Nne nke Chukwu,  rịọbaranyị bụ ndị njọ arịrịọ, kịta n'amanị ọnwụ anyị. Amịn.


Yethi Maria

Yethi Maria Ogcwele umusa, Inkosi inawe. Ubusisiwe wena esifazaneni, ibusisiwe nenzalo yesisu sakho u Jesu. Maria oCwebileyo, Nina Ka Nkulunkulu, awusikhulekele thina zoni, manje nasesikhathini sokufa kwethu. Amen. 


Ningukugeithia Maria 

Ningukugeithia Maria, muiyure ni wega, Mwathani ari nawe, wee uri murathime kuri aka othe na Yesu Mwana wa nda yaku nimurathime. Maria Mutheru nyina wa Ngai, hoera ithui ehia, riu na ihinda ria gukua gwitu. Nigutuike guo.

Virgin Mary Nursing the Infant Christ, Ethiopian Orthodox Painting on Wood, 15th Century

Virgin Mary Nursing the Infant Christ (Detail), Ethiopian Orthodox Painting on Wood, 15th Century

Virgin and Child in Majesty, French, c. 1175-1200

Virgin and Child in Majesty, French, c. 1175-1200


Si'oto' ofa Malia

Si’oto’ofa, Malia, ‘oku ke mohu kalāsia. ‘Oku ‘iate koe ‘a e ‘Eikiˊ. ‘Oku ke monū’ia koe ‘i he fefine fua pē, pea ‘oku faitāpuekina ‘a e fua ‘o ho manavaˊ ko Sēsū. Sangata Malia, Fa’ē ‘a e ‘Otuaˊ, ke ke hūfia kimautolu angahalaˊ, ‘i he ‘ahoˊ ni pea mo e ‘aho foki ‘emau mateˊ. ‘Āmeni. 

Sesivi (Dialect of Daakaka)  

Ongae Maria  

Ongae Maria yonmu puo ne Karasia yapu natovo moe poer meane Kama. Ka mulu ien mili kate veaven sea Yesu wehe yo mulu ien mili. Santa Maria easen yapu ena tovo temeav puonien oli wuoran ean webuing ne seniem meran. Amen. 

Tok Pidgin (Papua New Guinea) 

Ave, Maria

Ave, Maria, yu pulap long grasia. Lord, i stap long yu. Ol i onaim yu moa long ol meri, na ol i onaim Jisas, Em i Pikinini long bel bilong yu. Santu Maria, Mama bilong God, pre bilong helpim mipela manmeri bilong sin, nau na long taim milpela i dai. Amen.

Ave, Maria, yu pulap long grasia. Lord, i stap long yu. Ol i onaim yu moa long ol meri, na ol i onaim Jisas, Em i Pikinini long bel bilong yu. Santu Maria, Mama bilong God, pre bilong helpim mipela manmeri bilong sin, nau na long taim milpela i dai. Amen.


Awe, e Maria

Awe, e Maria, e ki ana koe i te kereatia; Kei a koe te Ariki.
E whakapaingia ana koe I roto i nga wahine, a e whakapaingia ana hoki a Hehu, te hua o tou kopu. E Hata Maria, e te matua wahine o te Atua, inoi koe mo matou, mo te hunga hara aianei,
a, a te haroa o to matou matenga.

Madonna and Child, Johannes Theodorus Toorop, 1924

Madonna and Child, Johannes Theodorus Toorop, 1924

Please consider visiting the wonderful website of Dominik Ramik who has recorded the Hail Mary prayer (and the other prayers of the Holy Rosary) spoken by native speakers in 143 different languages: Prayers of the world - rosary prayers - Christian prayers with recordings from all around the world.

The Wilton Diptych, King Richard II presented to the Virgin and Christ Child by St Edmund, St Edward the Confessor and St John the Baptist, late 14th Century

The Wilton Diptych, King Richard II presented to the Virgin and Christ Child by St Edmund, St Edward the Confessor and St. John the Baptist, late 14th Century - Photographed in the National Gallery, London, May 2019

Immaculate Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Immaculata Regina Pacis, ora pro nobis.